• 201-565-2707
  • contact@thejusticeforjennyfoundation.org
Home Page

Home Page

Please be advised that we are making changes to the website to help align services with our mission. As such, Domestic Violence resource links will eventually be transferred to our sister site, Justice For Jenny Support . We appreciate your patience as we transfer links. But we will keep all links active here on the site until the transition is fully complete. We will also have a site-wide notification when it’s done.

My name is Beverly.  Pictured here with me is my beautiful daughter, Jennifer.  Jennifer no longer walks this earth, nor her unborn baby because they were killed on February 3, 2019.   Words can never express the pain of such a loss.  But from this pain emerged a strong sense of duty to do something to stop the cycle of violence that perpetuates over world. So I founded The Justice For Jenny Foundation in Jenny’s honor. I didn’t fully understand my mission at first. I just felt a strong calling in my heart. I didn’t realize it then, but that was the calling of God Himself. He told me to GET UP and do something. He didn’t tell me what that ‘something’ was, but once I surrendered fully to Him, He revealed my path.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.–PROVERBS 3:5-6

What we do


We provide links to valuable resources for those affected by Domestic Violence, including hotlines, and links to organizations providing essential protective services, such as, Domestic Violence shelter, supportive housing, job placement and child protective services. We also provide links to legal services as well as printable/shareable printouts of statistics, surveys and reports, as part of our ongoing mission of raising awareness about DV.


We provide links to educational media, including FREE online Mental Wellness classes that come with certificates upon completion. We also recently added educational videos from Youtube and TED Talks , from people sharing their experiences and personal stories about how D.V. affected them and their families lives. Also, starting in 2023, we are providing FREE ESL Classes to D.V. Survivors as part of this crucial mission. We will continue to work towards bringing the conversation of D.V. to the forefront. It is the first step in our journey towards prevention.


We provide financial support through donations, tuition payment, grants and/or subscriptions to other like-minded non-profit organizations and institutions. Our initial focus was to donate towards programs to facilitate educational programs/policies addressing Domestic Violence issues. We have supported ‘The Positivity Project’, Women Rising, Inc. and The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence [NCADV]. We are still supporting these types of programs, but as our mission transitions to opening the conversation about kindness, we are seeking to collaborate with non-profit organizations aligning with this mission. Our organization is 100% donation driven. We appreciate any financial support we receive because those donations go into the projects we support.

The We Can STOP DV Project moving to our sister site

As part of the conversation transition from talking about domestic violence to finding ways for spreading messages of kindness and peace, it will involve reviewing our programs and projects. Our initial mission, as many are aware, was to raise awareness about Domestic Violence. As such, we launched The WE CAN STOP DV campaign in the hopes of providing FREE resources advocating for Domestic Violence survivors, including our Support Group Resources, Bookclubs , Online classes, and more. We will continue to provide these resources, but we are slowly transitioning them to our sister site. These programs are not going away. They are just being moved to different pages, to better align with our overall mission.

Blessings to all!

Share Your Story

For All affected by Domestic Violence

One of the features added to the J4J Foundation DV Awareness Project is Share Your Story ‘, which we hope will be an avenue to help those affected by Domestic Violence to seek comfort in knowing that they are not alone. Please click on the link above or the button below to learn more.

We appreciate your donations to help us in our mission. The Justice For Jenny Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization bringing free resources advocating for kindness, doing good, and loving one another, as a means for prevention of and eradication of violence.

MISSION STATEMENT: Our ultimate mission is to prevent ALL Violence by promoting and advocating for kindness through our actions and behaviors; and through education and collaboration with like-minded organizations.

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