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Creativity Corner
Poem: I Will Not Forget

Poem: I Will Not Forget

This poem encapsulates my experience and eagerness to move forward into awareness, leaving behind fault-finding and blame, and allowing my history and its abundance of life-lessons to empower me going forward.


21 years of forgiveness and forget-me-nots

of after-the-bars-close guilt-gifts

of convenience and contrivance

of rumor, raging, and what felt like sex-slaving.

Forgetting is worse than nightmares and scars,

vulgarity of beer-breath or puking in cars

Forgetting would mean it never occurred

and all worthy lessons would be obscured

It is what it is, History will recall

I’ve gleaned lessons from it, though not processed them all

I’m more me now, lest I forget

because of this victory, I owe you a debt

I will not forget

Author: Lindsey Morrison Grant
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