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  • contact@thejusticeforjennyfoundation.org
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This message board is a safe space to talk about Domestic Violence.  Feel free to speak your  mind, but also be respectful at all times.  Also remember that this is a public forum.  People can see your posts.  You should not post here if you are in an emergency situation.  If you have an emergency, call your local police or 911.

How do you deal with feeling powerless?

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1 Users
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There is so much work to be done, both in our own lives when facing domestic violence, and when we look at ending the issue as a whole. I believe the Justice 4 Jenny foundation is here to give us a way to fight this issue. I want to know how you all deal with feeling powerless in the face of such a big issue and if you can share what steps you take to motivate yourself to keep going.
