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What's the difference between dysfunctional and abusive relationships?

2 Posts
3 Users
Topic starter

I've been in physically abusive relationships all my life. It's pretty clear to me what a physically abusive relationship is. But how does one know if an emotionally dysfunctional relationship crosses over to abuse?

Jocelynroldan 26/03/2021 7:37 pm

What do you mean by emotionally dysfunctional? Is it a relationship that is missing emotional support/affection/communication? Or are there other words or actions that are hurtful/demeaning?

A-Spencer 27/12/2022 11:06 pm
This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by CtoaNN

@beemailme There are many indicators that a relationship is dysfunctional, but you are so right. It's difficult to tell when abuse begins. I have found that the best way to identify abuse is to witness red flags from a third-person perspective. Often, even the most glaring issues can appear normal when we get used to them in our own relationships. It's only when we see them in other relationships that we notice something is actually strange. I use the YouTube channel "Psychology in Seattle" to learn about relationship health and dysfunction. Dr. Kirk Honda, family and relationship therapist, uses videos from reality TV such as "90 Day Fiance" to comment on what behaviors are signs of later abuse or the end of a relationship. Watching him react to a couple, Mike and Natalie, helped me notice some abusive patterns that I did not notice growing up in a mixed-culture household. These issues are not easy or fast to understand, but it is worth all the time in the world to keep studying relationship psychology because it is the only way we can learn how to love one another truly and to stay safe. ❤️
